Anomali Coffee, Ubud

Anomali Coffee, Ubud

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Update date: 20 Juni 2024

Anomali Coffee, Ubud merupakan sebuah restoran yang berlokasi di sekitar Bali yang menyajikan menu penuh dengan cita rasa nikmat dan kenyamanan. Setiap menu yang disajikan dipersiapkan dengan cinta dan keahlian, menampilkan kekayaan rasa dari berbagai masakan khas Indonesia dan internasional.

Kami percaya bahwa makanan tidak hanya tentang melahap sesuatu, tetapi juga tentang menciptakan kenangan yang tak terlupakan. Jadi tunggu apalagi, segera berkunjung dan nikmati pengalaman kuliner yang menggugah selera dan memuaskan di tengah keramahan dan kehangatan staf Anomali Coffee, Ubud.

Alamat Anomali Coffee, Ubud: Jl. Ubud Raya No. 88, Ubud, Bali


Menu Utama: Roti, Kopi, Barat.

Resto ini menjual macam macam jenis makanan/minuman antara lain: Roti, Kopi dan Barat yang sangat enak dinikmati bersama keluarga Anda. Rekan bisa kok menikmati sajian makanan yang sedap dengan harga terjangkau di restoran ini.

Rumah makan ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis menu kuliner yang beragam seperti: Anomali Coffee X Vindes, Anomali Coffee Can, Paket Es Kopsus Aren, Pastry + Coffee Package, Anomali, Teman Di rumah, Drink Package, Breakfast + 15k Coffee, Sweet Favorite, Raw & Salads, Sandwich & Burger, Lite Bites, Pasta, Anomali Donat, Ngopi Di Rumah 1 Liter, Pastry Spesial Package, Botol 1 Liter, Single Origin, Brew With Anomali, Fusion Beverage, Tea, Kopi Beans 100 Gr, Kopi Beans 200 Gr, Kopi Beans 250 gr, New Drink.

Rentang harga menu yang dijual: 40rb-100rb


Anomali Coffee, Ubud

Anomali Coffee X Vindes

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Anomali Coffee X Vindes

Karamel Asin 250ml
Ice coffee drink mix with sweet & salty flavor
Rp 28.000
Karamel Asin 1000ml
Ice coffee drink mix with sweet & salty flavor
Rp 95.000
Nagasari 250ml
Ice coffee drink made to remind indonesia special traditional cake
Rp 28.000
Nagasari 1000ml
Ice coffee drink made to remind indonesia special traditional cake
Rp 95.000
Pink Carica 250ml
Creamy strawberry taste, topped with carica fruits
Rp 28.000
Pink Carica 1000ml
Creamy strawberry taste, topped with carica fruits
Rp 95.000
Kopi Soda Vindes
Espresso, Orange Concentrate, Soda
Rp 28.000
Kopi Caramel Vindes
Espresso, Fresh Milk, Salted Caramel Powder
Rp 28.000
Anomali Coffee X Vindes Package 2 (Kopi Soda Vindes, Kopi Caramel Vindes)
Isi 2 Dengan Mix Varian ( Kopi Soda Vindes : Espresso, Orange Concentrate, Soda / Kopi Caramel Vindes : Espresso, Fresh Milk, Salted Powder)
Rp 56.000
Anomali Coffee X Vindes Package 4 (Kopi Soda Vindes, Kopi Caramel Vindes)
Isi 4 Dengan Mix Varian ( Kopi Soda Vindes : Espresso, Orange Concentrate, Soda / Kopi Caramel Vindes : Espresso, Fresh Milk, Salted Powder)
Rp 112.000
Anomali Coffee X Vindes Package 6 (Kopi Soda Vindes, Kopi Caramel Vindes)
Isi 6 dengan mix varian ( Kopi soda Vindes : Espresso, Orange Concentrate, Soda / Kopi caramel vindes : Espresso, Fresh milk, Salted powder)
Rp 168.000

Anomali Coffee Can

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Anomali Coffee Can

Tea Maram
Tasty of fragrant tea, with the sensation of maram fruit, soda, and lychee
Rp 32.000
Apple Rose
The pleasure of specialty coffee, with the sensation of rose, and apples
Rp 32.000
Pina Sunrise
Freshness of pineapple, with delicious coconut water
Rp 32.000
Creamy Pisthacio Latte
Pistachio, cream cheese ,espresso ,milk
Rp 38.000
I Miss You So Nut
Toffee nut , creamy tiramisu, espresso , fresh milk
Rp 35.000

Paket Es Kopsus Aren

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Paket Es Kopsus Aren

1 Es Kopsus Aren
(12 oz/ cup)
Rp 22.000
2 Es Kopsus Aren
(Paket isi 2 Kopsus Aren, 12 oz/ cup)
Rp 40.000
3 Es Kopsus Aren
(Paket isi 3 Kopsus Aren, 12 oz/ cup)
Rp 57.000
5 Es Kopsus Aren
(Paket isi 5 Kopsus Aren, 12 oz/ cup)
Rp 90.000

Pastry + Coffee Package

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Pastry + Coffee Package

Butter Croissant + Coffee
butter croissant + Cappuccino/ Café Latte/ Americano
Rp 50.000
Almond Croissant + Coffee
almond croissant + Cappuccino/ Café Latte/ Americano
Rp 55.000
Pain au Danish + Coffee
Pain au Danish + Cappuccino/ Café Latte/ Americano
Rp 50.000
Pain au Chocolat + Coffee
Pain au Chocolat + Cappuccino/ Café Latte/ Americano
Rp 55.000

Anomali, Teman Di rumah

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Anomali, Teman Di rumah

Anomali, Teman Di rumah 5
(Paket isi 5 Cappuccino/ Café Latte, 12 oz/cup)
Rp 115.000
Anomali, Teman Di rumah 3
(Paket isi 3 Cappuccino/ Café Latte, 12 oz/cup)
Rp 75.000

Drink Package

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Drink Package

2 Cappuccino
(Paket isi 2 Cappuccino, 12 oz/ cup)
Rp 55.000
2 Café Latte
(Paket isi 2 Café Latte, 12 oz/ cup)
Rp 55.000
Indonesia Chocolate + Lychee Tea
(12 oz/ cup)
Rp 55.000

Breakfast + 15k Coffee

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Breakfast + 15k Coffee

Anomali Eggs Benedict
Butter croissant, oasched eggs, cured salmon, hollandaise, avocado, mixed salad
Rp 78.000
Truffle Scrambled Eggs
multigrain sourdough, soft scrambled eggs, portabello mushroom, truffle oil
Rp 55.000
Breaky Qusadilla
scrambled eggs, beef bacon, mushroom, mozarella, guacamole, salsa
Rp 55.000
Cilbir (Turkish Eggs)
poached eggs, garlicky yogurt, dill, spiced butter, taosted sourdough
Rp 55.000
Avocado Toast
2 multigrain sourdough, sliced avo, tomato cherry, strawberry, balsamic
Rp 50.000
Avocado Toast 2.0
Multigrain sourdough, smashed avo, cherry tomato, honey mustard dressing, feta cheese, egg
Rp 60.000
Buratta Toast
multigrain sourdough, scrambled eggs, burrata, parmesan, caramelized onion, basil oil
Rp 68.000
Loaded French Toast
brioche french toast, maple syrup, beef bacon, scrambled eggs
Rp 75.000
Ricotta Pancake
2 stack of pancakes, ricotta lemon, mixed berries compote, banana
Rp 55.000
Anomali French Toast
Brioche bread, strawberry marmalade, chocolate crumble, vanilla sauce
Rp 45.000
Hot Oats
rolled oats, almond milk, fresh berries, roasted almond, granola, maple syrup, banana
Rp 60.000
Roti Bakar
Toasted bread, chocolate cremaux, cheddar, vanilla sauce
Rp 45.000

Sweet Favorite

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Sweet Favorite

Ricotta Pancake
2 stacks of pancake, berries compote, chocolate crumble, banana, ricotta lemon cream
Rp 55.000
Anomali French Toast
brioche bread, strawberry marmalade, chocolate crumble, vanilla sauce
Rp 45.000
Hot Oats
Rolled oats, oat milk, fresh strawberry, roasted almond, granola, maple syrup, banana
Rp 60.000
Roti Bakar
toasted bread with butter, chocolate cremaux, cheddar cheese
Rp 45.000

Raw & Salads

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Raw & Salads

Caesar Salad
romain lettuce, roasted chicken, smoked beef bacon, caesar dressing
Rp 60.000
Burrata Cheese Salad
Tomato cherry, burrata cheese, mixed lettuce, basil
Rp 65.000
Crusted Tuna Tataki
yellow fin tuna tataki, tonnato sauce, burrata cheese, Balinese long pepper
Rp 75.000
Chicken Avocado Salad
Mixed lettuce, tomato cherry, roasted chicken, avocado, hard boiled egg, honey mustard dressing
Rp 58.000

Sandwich & Burger

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Sandwich & Burger

Grilled Cheese Sandwich
sourdough, emmental, yellow cheddar, mozarella, parmesan, mixed salad & french fries
Rp 65.000
Chicken Burger
Crispy chicken patty, cheddar cheese, onion, tomato
Rp 65.000
Melted Tuna Sandwich
Sourdough bread, yellow fin tuna, mayonnaise, tomato, mozarella, mixed salad and French fries
Rp 68.000
Salmon Sandwich
Focaccia bread, cured salmon, cream cheese, dill, tomato compote, mixed salad and French fries
Rp 85.000
Anomali Burger
Beef patty, caramelized onion, bacon, emmental cheese, pickle, mixed salad and spiced potato wedges
Rp 85.000

Lite Bites

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Lite Bites

Creamy Mushroom Toast
Garlic bread, creamy mushroom sauce, grana padano
Rp 50.000
Truffle French Fries
fries with truffle mayonaise
Rp 55.000
Spiced Potato Wedges
baked potato wedges, rosemary, garlic, parmesan
Rp 45.000


Anomali Coffee, Ubud Pasta

Aglio e Olio Tuna Spaghetti
Spaghetti pasta, chilli flake, Italian basil, garlic
Rp 68.000
Aglio e Olio & Prawn Linguine
Linguine pasta, prawn, garlic, chilli oil, Japanese kombu
Rp 68.000
Carbonara Spaghetti
Beef bacon, onion, butter, egg yolk, parmesan
Rp 68.000
Signature Mie Goreng
Fried noodle, assorted vegetables, chicken skewers, Sunny side up egg, prawn crackers
Rp 65.000
Pasta Pomodoro e Burrata
Penne pasta, tomato sauce, basil, burrata cheese
Rp 68.000
Bolognese Spaghetti
Spaghetti pasta, tomato sauce, minced beef, Grana padano
Rp 68.000

Anomali Donat

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Anomali Donat

Half Dozen Package
6 pcs Anomali Donat (Potato Doughnut)
Rp 60.000
1 Dozen Package
12 pcs Anomali Donat (Potato Doughnut)
Rp 110.000

Ngopi Di Rumah 1 Liter

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Ngopi Di Rumah 1 Liter

Double Coffee
(2 Kopi botol dengan isi 1 Liter/botol)
Rp 140.000
Coffee + Chocolate
Masing-masing botol dengan isi 1 Liter/botol
Rp 160.000
Coffee + Greentea Latte
Masing-masing botol dengan isi 1 Liter/botol
Rp 145.000
Chocolate + Greentea Latte
Masing-masing botol dengan isi 1 Liter/botol
Rp 150.000

Pastry Spesial Package

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Pastry Spesial Package

Éclair Chocolate + Cappucino / Caffe Latte / Americano
1 éclair chocolate + 1 cappucino / caffe latte / americano
Rp 64.000
Cheese Danish + Cappucino / Caffe Latte / Americano
1 cheese danish + 1 cappucino / caffe latte / americano
Rp 77.000
Almond Croisant + Cappucino / Caffe Latte / Americano
1 almond croisant + 1 cappucino / caffe latte / americano
Rp 77.000
Banana Chocolate Croisant + Cappucino / Caffe Latte / Americano
1 banana chocolate croisant + 1 cappucino / caffe latte / americano
Rp 77.000

Botol 1 Liter

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Botol 1 Liter

Rp 80.000
Caffe Late
Rp 80.000
Caramel Latte
Rp 85.000
Vanila Latte
Rp 85.000
Hazelnut Latte
Rp 85.000
Kopi Susu Gula Aren
Rp 85.000
Cafe Mocha
Rp 110.000
Creme Brule
Rp 95.000
Milk Tea
Rp 90.000
Greentea Latte
Rp 80.000
Rp 100.000
Rp 70.000

Single Origin

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Single Origin

Aceh (Gayo)
Plungger, V60 , Aeropress , Tubruk
Rp 33.000
Sumatera (Dolok sanggul)
Plungger, V60 , Aeropress , Tubruk
Rp 33.000
Toraja (Mialo,Sapan)
Plungger, V60 , Aeropress , Tubruk
Rp 33.000
Plungger, V60 , Aeropress , Tubruk
Rp 33.000
Bali (Kintamani , Ulian)
Plungger, V60 , Aeropress , Tubruk
Rp 33.000
Jawa (Cikuray)
Plungger, V60 , Aeropress , Tubruk
Rp 33.000

Brew With Anomali

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Brew With Anomali

Rp 32.000
Rp 38.000
Caffe Latte
Rp 38.000
Caramel Latte
Rp 42.000
Vanila Latte
Rp 42.000
Hazelnut Latte
Rp 42.000

Fusion Beverage

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Fusion Beverage

Cafe Mocha
Rp 48.000
Kopi Susu Gula Aren
Rp 40.000
Creme Brule
Rp 48.000
Rp 42.000
Greentea Latte
Rp 42.000
Cookies & Cream
Rp 52.000


Anomali Coffee, Ubud Tea

Lychee tea
Rp 40.000
Lemon Tea
Rp 35.000
Grean Tea Sencha
Rp 32.000
Chemomile Tea
Rp 32.000
Lemon Gingger Tea
Rp 32.000
Milk Tea
Rp 38.000

Kopi Beans 100 Gr

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Kopi Beans 100 Gr

Aceh Gayo
Aceh gayo
Rp 75.000
Sumatera Dolok Sanggul
Rp 75.000
Toraja Mialo
Rp 75.000
Bali Kintamani
Rp 75.000
Sumatera Kerinci
Rp 75.000
Rp 75.000
Bali Ulian
Rp 75.000
Jawa Cikuray
Rp 75.000

Kopi Beans 200 Gr

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Kopi Beans 200 Gr

Aceh Gayo
Rp 125.000
Sumatera Dolok Sanggul
Rp 125.000
Sumatera Kerinci
Rp 125.000
Rp 125.000
Toraja Mialo
Rp 125.000
Bali Kintamani
Rp 125.000
Bali Ulian
Rp 125.000
Jawa cikuray
Rp 125.000

Kopi Beans 250 gr

Anomali Coffee, Ubud Kopi Beans 250 gr

Sumatra Dolok Sanggul 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Sumatra Kerinci 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Aceh Gayo 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Toraja Mialo 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Toraja Sapan 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Flores Corol 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Jawa Cikuray 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Jawa Ijen 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Bali Kintamani 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Bali Ulian 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Black Pearl 250 gr
Rp 129.000
Sumatra Kaban jahe 250 gr
Rp 129.000

New Drink

Anomali Coffee, Ubud New Drink

Pistachio Coconut Latte
Seasonal coconut flavor that created become a tasty café latte
Rp 48.000
Grey Passion Fruit Iced Tea
Mixed special tea & apple juice, garnish with slice of peach fruit
Rp 48.000
(*Harga dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya)

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Lokasi Anomali Coffee, Ubud

Anomali Coffee, Ubud berlokasi di Jl. Ubud Raya No. 88, Ubud, Bali. Lokasi lengkap Anomali Coffee, Ubud bisa Teman lihat melalui google maps berikut ini. Saudara dapat memakai panduan google maps berikut ini untuk melihat Anomali Coffee, Ubud.

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